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New Mexico Community Health Worker Association

Community Health

Our Health - Nuestra Salud

Our work to support community health workers in New Mexico - including Spanish-speaking promotoras - and communities they serve, contributes to assuring access to quality healthcare, especially for New Mexico's rural and marginalized communities. 

Home: Welcome

Our Programs

The NMCHWA was established in 1995 and has continuously provided ongoing support to build skills and capacity, advocate for and empower community health workers. Community Health Workers (CHWs) are the frontline of public health: trusted public health workers who understand and link community members, especially in rural and minority communities, with critical health/social services.


Community Health Worker Training Opportunities

Continuing education, skill-building, resources.

Currently there are an estimated 800 community health workers across the state of New Mexico. We have continuously provided free trainings to member and non-member community health workers across the state, addressing topics such as communication skills, prenatal/delivery/postpartum care, breastfeeding, nutrition, substance use, family planning and early childhood development.

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 Nuestra Salud Health Network

Statewide network supporting health in Spanish-speaking communities

The mission of Nuestra Salud is to reduce health disparities affecting Hispanic communities in New Mexico and the nation through research, training, and outreach. Nuestra Salud is a New Mexico statewide network of Spanish-speaking communities, originally established in 2010. In 2018, Nuestra Salud merged with NMCHWA, becoming a program that specializes in engagement of community members through a network to address tobacco, asthma, and cancer.



Empowering patients and their families - educating providers

NMCHWA is using photovoice to empower community members in their interactions with healthcare providers, change community norms around the role of individuals in healthcare interactions, and develop materials that support education of providers about the specific experiences of Spanish-speaking people in healthcare systems when managing chronic disease (asthma).

Home: What We Do

Upcoming Events

Home: Events

Contact NMCHWA

P.O. Box 94323, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87199

Home: Contact

©2020 by New Mexico Community Health Worker Association. Proudly created with

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